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N3uron – Built-in Security

Tailored Technology for Secure IIoT Systems

Protect your data

N3uron and all of our software Modules have been designed for optimum security in order to protect your data from any security threats and help you to keep your network safe. An ever-growing number of industrial organizations across the world are now using N3uron for their Industrial Automation Data.

Some companies that are using N3uron:

companies using n3uron

Encryption – One step further in Industrial Data Security

N3uron guarantees that your data is safe and secure — even if it falls into the wrong hands. N3uron encrypts all data by implementing advanced security protocols and TLS (transport layer security), making your data completely inaccessible to anyone during data transmission. We know how important data security is and that’s why we have equipped N3uron with this special technology to guarantee that your data is kept ultra-secure using stronger message encryption algorithms. An ever-growing number of manufacturers are adopting TLS protocols to secure their industrial data and communications channels.

easier connections to industrial data n3uron

Easier connections to Industrial Data

Every aspect of N3uron has been designed to make our Industrial technology easier to use, connect with and improve communication. Our firewall-friendly system allows you to easily connect to field devices via IP, avoiding the use of port forwarding or the need for any other changes to the firewall setup. Not only will this keep your IT team happy, but it will also simplify your data access without needing to use static or public IPs.

easier connections n3uron

Digital certificate – An Ingenious Idea for Protecting Against Cyber Threats.

The implementation of digital certificates for N3uron communications enables users to establish proof of identity in data transactions in order to offer secure communication exchanges between applications. Digital certificates are a type of electronic credentials that have become increasingly popular when providing enhanced network security measures.

digital certification n3uron
security by client authentication n3uron

Improving Data Access Security Using HTTPS Protocol

N3uron uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to provide users with more secure access to their data. All communications sent to and from N3uron are encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, which protects data from any eavesdropping or tampering by rendering data unrecognizable. N3uron has implemented this HTTPS protocol from the very beginning, which is largely used by the banking sector, in order to guarantee secure access to N3uron technology from any device.

Industrial data secure with s&m program

Keep your Industrial data secure with software updates

The best way to keep your data secure is by always running the latest version of N3uron software. The N3uron Support & Maintenance program (S&M) helps you to combine software updates and upgrades with expert Technical Support, in order to keep your critical automation projects operating at optimum levels. Our S&M Program is available for all N3uron software applications.

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Some companies who have trusted in N3uron

Companies who have placed their trust In N3uron Industrial IoT
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