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N3uron V.1.21.10 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released July 10, 2024

Bootstrap (V.1.42.1)

Description: Added Delta aggregation method for historical data.

Description: Added a new “Hosts” field to include the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) in the CSR form.

Description: LDAP connection error is shown after an incorrect password is entered and the LDAP server is not reachable.

Description: Fixed an issue while getting username on servers not actively notifying it.

Description: Fixed an issue where LDAP users were skipped when there was an LDAP group configured in the User/Group configuration.

Description: Solved an issue where the configuration files between two redundant nodes may stop synchronizing.

Description: Fixed historization method has been deprecated.

BACnet Client (V.1.1.3)

Description: “Create” button now appears disabled when no device is selected.

Description: In the browser view, now a device is re-browsed every time is chosen in the drop down menu.

Description: Browser view now hides properties not returned by the container object.

Data Exporter (V.1.8.0)

Description: Added the option to choose the format of the tag values in the output file.

Description: Removed external dependencies.

Derived Tags (V.1.6.0)

Description: Information from remote links is now available in node tags.

Description: Added Standard Deviation to Aggregated tags.

Description: Added Custom Aggregation to Aggregated tags.

Description: Added write operations to Redundant tags.

Description: Added write operations to Alias tags.

Description: Removed decimals limit for Good aggregation method.

Description: Removed external dependencies.

Description: Expression option included in all missing inputs.

Description: The average function now excludes bad-quality intervals from its calculations.

Description: A dropdown menu has been added to the cron expression editor with default values.

DLMS Client (V.1.2.4)

Description: Improved received data blocks management.

Description: Invalid data objects are presented as unknown instead of stopping the Association view retrieval.

Description: Handle incorrect values reading clock objects.

Fleet Manager Client (V.1.1.3)

Description: Improved mutual TLS connection to FleetManager.

Historian (V.1.18.1)

Description: Added “Delta” mode in data retrieval.

Description: Added “Standard Deviation” mode in data retrieval.

Description: Data values improved for aggregated data retrieval.

Description: Increased performance when inserting new tags.

Description: Increased performance when inserting samples.

Description: Backup tags collection when renaming tags.

Description: Allow concurrent Historians pointing to the same database.

Description: Removed deprecated information from help.

Description: Removed invalid value in “First” aggregation mode when sample timestamp matches the init of the interval.

Description: Allow expressions in the enable authentication input.

Modbus Client (V.1.21.6)

Description: Fixed tag configuration error when masked by another error.

MQTT Client (V.1.11.0)

Description: Added file path option for digital certificates.

Description: Improved Store&Forward data synchronization between redundant nodes.

Description: Removed external dependencies.

Notifier (V.1.2.0)

Description: Added support to provide a specific CA certificate.

Description: Added the option to accept unauthorized certificates.

Description: Removed external dependencies.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.5)

Description: Allow multiselection in the OPC browser.

Description: Solved an issue where monitored items may not be created after publishing engine timeout.

OPC UA Server (V.1.12.0)

Description: Removed external dependencies.

Description: Fixed error when retrieving historical data (HA) in float 32 format.

Description: Fixed an issue when retrieving historical data (HA) with timeout hint equal to 0.

Description: Added the validator to prevent empty Scripting instance names in the methods configuration.

Rest API Server (V.1.8.0)

Description: Add remoteNode to history and link calls.

Description: Added passphrase for encrypted certificate keys.

Description: Added support for standard deviation aggregation method in historical data retrieval.

Siemens Client (V.1.5.3)

Description: Changed default value for block size to 512.

Description: Fixed a problem when reading strings.

SNMP Client (V.1.2.4)

Description: Rebrowse buttons now rewalks devices.

Description: Opening dropdown in browse view now auto reloads the devices list.

Description: Browser logs improved.

SQL Client (V.1.6.2)

Description: Fixed an issue where the tags group parameters may not be applied properly in Standard and History transactions.

WebUI (V.1.20.0)

Description: Added passphrase for encrypted certificate keys.

Description: Added “delta” aggregation method in historical view.

Description: Added “standard deviation” aggregation method in historical view.

Description: Allow to hide “This node” in DerivedTags link picker.

Description: Wait for group childs to load before loading parents.

Description: Added hostnames to certify to the certificate generation helper form.

Description: Improved algorithm from sha1 to sha256.

Description: Improved certificate generation helper form tooltips.

Description: Model tree was improved to support more than 65000 nested groups.

Description: Updated aggregation drop-down input with more explicit labels.

Description: Solved an issue where the timestamp of the alarms may not update dynamically after changing the client timezone.

WebVision (V.1.7.0)

Description: Added “delta” aggregation method in historical view.

Description: Added “standard deviation” aggregation method in historical view.

Description: Allow to select link nodes in Historical mode.

Description: Added passphrase for encrypted certificate keys.

Description: Updated aggregation drop-down input with more explicit labels.

Description: Solved an issue when calculating scrollbars properly on component instances when updating the template.

Description: Solved an issue not calculating horizontal drag properly on stretched components.

Description: Fixed an issue to permit using custom scrollbars instead of default ones.

Description: Allow to scroll containers inside containers with scroll/zoom activated.

Description: Avoid double submit when pressing enter.

Description: Improve input tree stability.

Description: Able to copy values from the context menu in specific tables.

N3uron V.1.21.9 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released April 28, 2024

Bootstrap (V.1.41.3)

Description: Added keep alive to continuously monitor the connection status of the links.

Description: Solved an issue where the status of the link is not properly managed when the IP of the network interface is changed dynamically without restarting.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.6)

Description: Aliases inputs now don’t appear in the tag configuration tree.

Description: Default value for Expression tags period changed to 5000 ms.

DLMS Client (V.1.2.1)

Description: Description of the tags created using drag and drop in the browse view now include the OBIS code.

Description: Added request retries when the device is not responding.

Description: Added protection in case the meter is sending the eco from communications with other serial ports in the meter.

IEC 104 Client (V.1.0.2)

Description: Default TCP port value changed to IEC 104 standard TCP port.

Modbus Gateway (V.1.7.3)

Description: Added serial port selector in the configuration interface.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.4)

Description: Added maximum number of items per subscription in the configuration.

Description: Added automatic reconnection if server silently drops subscription.

Description: Updated OPC UA stack to allow certificates with public keys of 1024 bytes.

Description: Default Security Policy changed to BASIC256SHA256.

Description: Solved an issue where extension objects may not be read properly.

Description: Fixed boolean inputs allowing custom value.

Rest API Client (V.1.9.2)

Description: Solved an issue when the tag path provided in the single tag input doesn’t exist.

Rest API Server (V.1.6.2)

Description: HTTPS now requires the users to enable it and generate their own self – signed digital certificate.

Description: Updated HTTPS help.

Scripting (V.1.6.3)

Description: Fixed fatal errors when API is called with invalid arguments.

Description: Fixed an issue when using backup API calls.

Siemens Client (V.1.5.2)

Description: Solved an issue when writing boolean values in a struct.

SQL Client (V.1.6.1)

Description: Solved an issue with History transactions without parameters.

Description: Added compatibility with previous configurations not including the parameters field.

WebUI (V.1.19.4)

Description: Added the possibility to manage dynamic instance lists in the Templates library.

Description: Updated HTTPS help.

Description: Added configurable HTTP security headers.

Description: Lock config file when dragging inputs.

Description: Fixed dynamic instance lists under specific conditions.

Description: Redraw legend plotlines when last value matches end time.

Description: Solved a problem where some configurations may not be properly loaded.

Description: Fixed a problem when renaming a Custom Property under specific conditions.

Description: HTTP Network interface input moved to the HTTP configuration group.

Description: Fixed an issue where optional inputs may not be showing in template instances.

WebVision (V.1.6.2)

Description: Updated HTTPS help.

Description: Added configurable HTTP security headers.

Description: Fixed invalid logs when requesting malformed URLs.

Description: HTTP Network interface input moved to the HTTP configuration group.

Description: Solved a problem when importing aliases in csv files.

N3uron V.1.21.8 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released April 1, 2024

Bootstrap (V.1.41.1)

Description: Historize tags with a fixed interval.

Description: Historize alarm value when acknowledging an alarm.

Description: Improve model comparison on model update

Description: Clear remote tag model when not receiving tags from the link.

ABB VIP Client (V.1.3.4)

Description: Updated WebUI dependency for network interface selector.

BACnet Client (V.1.1.2)

Description: Improved Browser and Tag property search UI. Added dropdown menu and simplified tree navigation.

Description: Try to start channel every 30 sec if it fails.

Description: With incorrect ip the module crash at start.

Custom Client (V.1.4.4)

Description: Updated WebUI dependency for serial port selector.

Data Diode (V.1.1.2)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

Description: Updated WebUI dependency for network adapter selector.

Data Exporter (V.1.7.2)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

Data Importer (V.1.1.1)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.4)

Description: Added WebUI validation to cron expression.

Description: Improved cron expression help and added dropdown.

DLMS Client (V.1.1.3)

Description: Initialize tag values created once the driver is running.

Description: Save association view on disk.

DNP Client (V.1.2.4)

Description: Added batching of writes when using direct operate no ack and non-ranged mode.

DNP Server (V.1.3.1)

Description: Added actor for audit trail to tag writes.

Description: Fixed module restart when receiving a “direct operate no ack” function.

Description: Fixed tag writes may be duplicated.

Domino Client (V.1.1.2)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

IEC 102 Client (V.1.6.2)

Description: Add cron validation to cron scheduler.

Description: Increased retry interval when a bind call fails.

IEC 104 Client (V.1.0.1)

Description: Fixed default port value.

Linked Tags (V.1.2.1)

Description: Added actor on tag write for AuditTrail.

Mettler Toledo Client (V.1.3.3)

Description: Updated WebUI dependency for serial port listing.

Description: Handle 20 character mode on Gareco protocol.

Modbus Client (V.1.21.5)

Description: Updated WebUI dependency for serial port listing.

Description: Fixed write not throwing error when channel is offline.

Modbus Server (V.1.2.3)

Description: Added actor to tag writes for AuditTrail.

Description: Updated logger using fields for more clarity.

MQTT Client (V.1.10.0)

Description: 3 Interval types added to Snapshot publishers. [Fixed time, Fixed interval, Cron].

Description: Destination broker labels updated.

Description: Added token generator to clientId.

Description: Added topic in actor to tag writes for AuditTrail.

Description: Events Publisher improver to work in a more understandable and simple way.

Description: Use V3 or V5 validator in Publishers and Subscribers.

Notifier (V.1.1.4)

Description: Allow expressions and inputs on CRON expressions.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.3)

Description: Potential fix for data remaining frozen caused by subscription failure.

OPC UA Server (V.1.11.5)

Description: Added actor to tag writes for AuditTrail.

Description: Updated OPCUA stack.

OPC XML Client (V.1.1.1)

Description: Added protocol validation to “host” config field.

Redundancy Agent (V.1.1.3)

Description: Loop to primary when it is recovered.

Rest API Client (V.1.9.0)

Description: Added tag groups and filters to $.parameter.

Description: Tag path to $.parameters.

Description: Added actor to API calls for AuditTrail.

Rest API Server (V.1.6.0)

Description: Added actor to API calls for AuditTrail.

Description: Added self-signed certificate and CSR generator popup in HTTPS configuration.

Description: Embedded private key configuration is now encrypted.

Description: Updated for v1.21.8 compliance.

Description: Removed automatic self-signed certificate in favor of self-signed certificate generator popup.

Scripting (V.1.6.2)

Description: Added cron validation to WebUI configuration.

Description: Added actor to API calls for AuditTrail.

Description: Improved cron expression help.

Description: Fixed script logs not escaping placeholders when sending message to main thread.

Description: Fixed help of parameters.

Siemens Client (V.1.5.1)

Description: Bug fix when two strings are identical with different length.

SMA Client (V.1.2.2)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

SNMP Client (V.1.2.1)

Description: Browse unify with OPC UA Client browser.

Sparkplug Client (V.1.2.5)

Description: Added automatic clientID generator.

Description: Allow to set `rejectUnauthorized` when connecting with MQTTS instead of only when authenticating with certificates.

SQL Client (V.1.6.0)

Description: Tag path to $.parameters.

Description: Added actor to API calls for AuditTrail.

Description: Added tag group and filters to $.parameter.

Description: Hide buffer size trigger while using snapshot mode on history transaction.

Description: Allow expressions and inputs on CRON expressions.

Description: Allow use of special characters in password field.

UFL Exporter (V.1.6.1)

Description: Added connection to API before starting module.

VDMA XML Client (V.1.4.1)

Description: Added API connection before starting module.

WebUI (V.1.18.2)

Description: Drag and drop inputs to Custom Properties group to clone them.

Description: Drag and drop Custom Properties to inputs to link them.

Description: Drag and drop inputs to groups and instances to copy the value in all child instances.

Description: Editable help in Custom Properties.

Description: Added self-signed certificate and CSR generator popup in HTTPS configuration.

Description: Added format to TokenControl.

Description: Shows full white spaces in all tables, including logs.

Description: Logger will not be locked when creating a new module.

Description: Removed automatic self-signed certificate in favour of self-signed certificate generator popup.

Description: Updated Visualizer engine.

Description: Do not allow to save configurations with invalid templates.

Description: Update template modified time when deleting child instances.

Description: Manages encoded URI values properly in connection strings parser.

Description: Update template modified time when an instance is deleted.

Description: Validate legacy passwords when importing CSVs.

WebVision (V.1.5.1)

Description: Added `iframe` component.

Description: Added self-signed certificate and CSR generator popup in HTTPS configuration.

Description: Shows full white spaces in all tables.

Description: Added URL parameters features.

Description: Added OpenStreetMap contribution.

Description: Show timestamp in chart tooltips when possible.

Description: Fix CSV decimal format.

Xantrex Client (V.1.4.2)

Description: Improve model comparison on model update.

N3uron V.1.21.7 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released February 12, 2024

Bootstrap (V.1.40.0)

Description: Added more LDAP options to permit connections to different servers like FreeIPA.

Description: Added LDAP request timeout.

Description: Added alarm browsing and history to links.

Description: Allow old tag updates.

Description: Removed alarm persistence. Now all the alarms are recalculated when tags are loaded.

Description: Added delay to activate and clear the alarms.

Description: Added deadband to clear the alarms.

Description: Added redundancy getStatus api call.

Description: Added between/outside bands alarm comparators.

Description: Added timestamp source to alarms (source or local).

Description: Added ack mode to alarms.

Description: Improvement in the way the Links timeouts are managed.

Description: Improved the way the certificate subject is validated.

Description: Improved backwards compatibility with old nodes in Link Out.

Aurora Client (V.1.1.1)

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

BACnet Client (V.1.1.1)

Description: Added the option to force manual IP address and port to force the discovery of the device.

Description: Module starts even with an invalid configuration.

Description: Invalid configuration does not prevent loading subscribers.

Description: Granularity of logs has been improved.

Description: Set quality to BAD_CONFIG_ERROR when tag points to an unknown device.

Custom Client (V.1.4.3)

Description: Add serial port listing and visualizer.

Data Exporter (V.1.7.1)

Description: Add file rename delay to FTP and SFTP for cases where the file server blocks new files for a while.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.3)

Description: Granularity of logs has been improved specially when checking config changes.

Description: Added argument ‘initial’ to indicate when the event is received in response to a new subscription.

Description: Solved an issue where relative tag paths may not be resolved properly.

Description: Solved an issue with the input validation in redundant tag instances.

DLMS Client (V.1.0.0)

Description: New driver to communicate with DLMS compliant meters.

DNP Client (V.1.2.3)

Description: Add serial port listing and selector.

DNP Server (V.1.2.3)

Description: New connections are now rejected instead of kicking the current connection.

Description: Qualifier code for static poll changed from 7 to 0 to increase the compatibility.

Description: When doing class 0 poll, now only sends class 0 events instead of all events.

Domino Client (V.1.1.1)

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

Farell Client (V.1.2.2)

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

Description: Fixed discarding serial port buffer on successive writes.

Historian (V.1.17.0)

Description: Performance optimization.

Description: Granularity of logs has been improved specially for the database related logs.

Description: Added connection string config options for connections to Cloud based databases.

Description: Added mongodb+srv protocol.

Description: Reworked delta deadband retrieval method to be inclusive.

Description: Solved an issue where Set rejectUnauthorized may not be properly managed.

Description: Solved an issue where a disconnection from a replica set may not be detected.

Description: Solved an issue where 32 bits length integer numbers were not correctly serialized and deserialized.

Description: Solved an issue where aggregated data on retrieval may not be calculated properly when there are no good quality events in the aggregation period.

IEC 102 Client (V.1.6.1)

Description: Added device timestamp as a tag value.

Description: Added “Override device timestamp” option.

Description: Added clean socket shutdown timeouts.

Description: Force one socket at a time per Gateway

Description: Improvement of the RTS management in serial protocol.

Description: Avoid channel/device collisions on persistent data.

Description: Avoid Gateway hanging if another Gateway with more priority kicks in.

IEC 104 Client (V.1.0.0)

Description: New module to connect to IEC60870-5-104 slaves.

Mettler Toledo Client (V.1.3.2)

Description: Add serial port listing and selector.

Modbus Client (V.1.21.4)

Description: Add serial port listing and selector.

Description: Prevent from attempting to parse a response with no outgoing request.

MQTT Client (V.1.9.3)

Description: Timestamps rounded when sending snapshots.

Description: Subscriptions enable parent topic if finish with /# (sub => N3uron/# allow topic N3uron)

Description: Improved the reconnection after a connection error.

Description: Module starts even with an invalid configuration.

Description: Invalid configuration does not prevent loading subscribers or subscribers.

Description: Invalid tag configuration does not prevent loading the tags.

Description: Granularity of logs has been improved specially for fatal errors and warnings.

Description: Solved an issue where the Subscriptors keep alive may not be managed properly.

Notifier (V.1.1.3)

Description: Add cron expressions in trigger options.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.2)

Description: Improvement of granularity of the logs.

OPC UA Server (V.1.11.4)

Description: Improvement of granularity of the logs.

Description: Solved an issue where Tag model hot reloading may break client monitored items.

Redundancy Agent (V.1.1.2)

Description: Improved the connection to target devices to reduce latency

Rest API Client (V.1.8.3)

Description: Added support for CRON expressions in the trigger.

Description: Solved an issue loading empty CA when no CA is provided.

Rest API Server (V.1.5.0)

Description: Added redundancy.status method.

Description: HTTP adapter configuration moved within the HTTP group in the WebUI interface.

Scripting (V.1.6.1)

Description: Added worker shutdown based on configurable timeout.

Description: Improved script finalization detection, call $.exit is no longer required.

Description: Allow using $.parameters as an alias to $.parameter for backwards compatibility.

Description: Added full access to N3uron API.

Description: Improvement in logs granularity.

Description: Initial tag change not triggering TagChange actions.

Description: Corrected the issue where tag path parameters in array parameters were represented as objects with a ‘value’ property instead of directly containing the value of the tag path.

SMA Client (V.1.2.1)

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

SNMP Client (V.1.1.1)

Description: Improved browse capabilities.

Description: On read mode change (trap / polling) properly removing the old tag scheduled executors.

SolarMax Client (V.1.0.2)

Description: Module starts even with an invalid configuration.

Description: Invalid tag configuration does not prevent loading the tags.

Description: Granularity of logs has been improved specially for fatal errors and warnings.

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

Sparkplug Client (V.1.2.4)

Description: Added alias to control messages.

Description: Added version hashing to template definitions.

Description: Allow anonymous connections.

Description: Avoid losing alias maps when clearing device birth and after S&F completion.

Description: Clearing template map properly to avoid sending unneeded templates.

Description: Removed birth cache forcing a new snapshot on each rebirth.

SQL Client (V.1.5.0)

Description: Added support for connection strings in Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, SqlServer and PostgreSQL.

Description: Added TimeScale support.

Description: Allow cron expressions on Periodic triggers.

Description: Solved an issue with Moment library when parsing Dataset.

WebUI (V.1.17.0)

Description: Add protected embedded files in Config Editor.

Description: Config Editor performance improvement when saving config.

Description: Removed tag write queue.

Description: Added the option to choose the node acting as datasource of the alarms and historical data retrieval.

Description: Visualizer improvements.

Description: Added vertical plotlines in the Historical chart.

Description: Default scaling method in historical chart changed to auto.

Description: Added minimum, maximum and average to Historical legend.

Description: Show tooltip when a tag Historical preset is loaded.

Description: Added Notes to Config Editor.

Description: Changed font to OpenSans.

Description: Added SelectSerialPort preset.

Description: Malformed URIs processing prevention.

Description: Removed unnecessary scrollbars appearing in some popups.

WebVision (V.1.4.0)

Description: Add protected embedded files in Config Editor.

Description: Allow to show the grid without snapping.

Description: Added Heatmap component.

Description: Added env object to expressions to access environment variables.

Description: Added sublevels config to TealtimeTable.

Description: Added column order to all tables.

Description: Standardized Tag Write popup, Tag Historical popup, CSV import/export popup and realtime (tag picker) view with the same components in WebUI.

Description: Standardized tag Historical popup with the same WebUI component.

Description: Added remote node source configuration to HistoricalDataset, LinksTable, expression links() function and Historical popup config.

Description: Added min and max properties to datasets in expressions.

Description: Added default row styles to RealtimeTable.

Description: Updated default row styles from AlarmTable to fit WebUI style.

Description: Maintain the “enable/disable alias” status when reopening the tag picker.

Description: Malformed URIs processing prevention.

Description: Apply component styling when running a print action properly.

Description: Solved a problem when report PDF renderers do not shift all components upwards.

Xantrex Client (V.1.4.1)

Description: Added serial port listing and selector.

N3uron V.1.21.6 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released August 25, 2023

Bootstrap (V.1.39.2)

Description: Solved an issue where write operations through Links may show Link Timeout error even if the write operation is completed successfully.

Description: Solved an issue where write operations may remain in waiting due to a missing callback.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.2)

Description: Solved a buffer overrun issue in aggregated tags when the buffer is emptied.

Description: Solved an issue applying the timestamp to aggregated values when there is not enough good quality data to calculate the aggregations.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.1)

Description: Solved an issue where the browser cannot read some properties of a tag.

OPC UA Server (V.1.11.3)

Description: Solved an issue with permissions not being propagated correctly to nested groups.

Sparkplug Client (V.1.2.3)

Description: Quality status included in DBIRTH messages.

SQL Client (V.1.4.1)

Description: Solved a sanitization issue when using a Date object created in custom script.

N3uron V.1.21.5 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released July 31, 2023

Bootstrap (V.1.38.5)

Description: Support for LDAP secure.

Description: String tags only generate events on each update when the deadband is 0.0.

Description: Added environment variables.

Description: UID check in redundant configurations.

Description: Modules API configuration removed due to an improvement in the communication mechanism.

Description: Old versions connecting via link to new versions are forced now to use a higher security encryption cipher.

Description: Fixed an issue preventing from starting the service when the license file was empty or corrupted.

Description: Configurable compression in links.

Description: Removed the timeout of the links due to an improvement in the communication mechanism.

Description: Monitoring the status of the redundant node based on the status of the connection.

BACnet Client (V.1.1.0)

Description: Added drag and drop to the browse pop up for quick and easy tags generation.

Custom Client (V.1.4.2)

Description: Increased efficiency in data transfer.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.1)

Description: Increased efficiency in data transfer.

Description: Solved an issue with data aggregation using cron scheduling.

Description: The timezone in schedules corresponds to the server timezone. Removed timezone from general configuration.

Description: Node tags listed by alphabetical order and added engineering units in the drop down.

Description: Allow relative tag paths in tag inputs.

Description: It now permits aliases with empty tag paths. Aliases with empty tag paths are ignored in the expression.

DNP Client (V.1.2.2)

Description: Solved an issue converting negative integers.

Description: Added numerical value to double-bit binary input points.

DNP Server (V.1.2.2)

Description: Added numerical value to double-bit binary input points.

Farell Client (V.1.2.1)

Description: Fixed not being able to read data from TAF8 and TAF16 units.

Description: Added more logs for troubleshooting purposes.

Historian (V.1.16.5)

Description: Added support to change tag names keeping the time series historical data.

Description: Added support to MongoDB version 6.

Description: Added support for  secure connections using TLS and digital certificates.

Description: Important performance increase using parallel insertions.

IEC 102 Client (V.1.5.2)

Description: Solved an issue when the meter may disconnect abruptly after a load profile request.

Description: Load Profile retrieval scheduled using cron expression instead of period of time.

Description: The driver doesn’t keep the connection continuously open. Instead it closes the connection every time it ends retrieving data.

Description: Added the option to access the last successful load profile retrieval timestamp.

MQTT Client (V.1.9.2)

Description: Solved an issue where the subscriber may reconnect once after the module has been stopped.

Description: Solved an issue where the custom subscribe parser may fail processing the custom parsing script.

OPC UA Client (V.1.15.0)

Description: Added drag and drop to the browse pop up for easy tags generation.

OPC UA Server (V.1.11.1)

Description: Solved an issue stopping the server when the network interface was not properly configured.

Description: Solved an issue where tag filters configured for a specific role may not be properly applied.

Description: Solved an issue where the minimum sampling interval may not be applied.

Description: Solved an issue while connecting with several users at the same time.

Description: Added data queue to deliver all the events received between sampling intervals.

Description: Improved the responsiveness of the server while loading the model to improve the user experience when loading massive amounts of tags.

REST API Server (V.1.8.2)

Description: Increased efficiency in data transfer.

Description: Allow specifying a custom CA for a connection.

Scripting (V.1.6.0)

Description: Increased efficiency in data transfer.

Description: Added new Group Tags and Filtered Tags triggers.

Siemens Client (V.1.5.0)

Description: Fixed an issue where the timeout may not be properly applied.

Description: Added support for DTL data types.

Description: The value is not set to null on bad quality.

SNMP Client (V.1.1.0)

Description: Added support for SNMP version 3.

Description: Increased the performance during the initial browse of the field devices.

Sparkplug Client (V.1.2.1)

Description: Added support for templates.

SQL Client (V.1.4.0)

Description: Added support to Oracle databases.

Description: Added support for secure connections on MySQL version 8.

Description: Added support for multiple authentication methods for SQL Server (local user, domain user, Azure Active Directory…)

VDMA XML Client (V.1.4.0)

Description: Added subscriptions support.

Web UI (V.1.16.5)

Description: Removed the button to restart the service when it is not running as a service.

Description: Added a maximum limit in the lock timeout to avoid overflow.

Description: Removed tag browse button in BACNet tags inside templates.

Description: Added support to download the chart as an image.

Description: Added support to configure passwords as environment variables.

Description: Solved a problem populating the tables with data.

Description: Solved an issue where the line may not be highlighted when selected.

Description: Solved an issue when regenerating the UID of the node.

Description: Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported to take full advantage of modern web browsers.

Web Vision (V.1.3.4)

Description: Added support to filter tags in TagPicker and HistorianClient components.

Description:  Added support to filter the access to the tags by roles.

N3uron V.1.21.4 Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features in N3uron

Released February 27, 2023

Bootstrap (V.1.38.4)

Description: Fixed an issue with multiple ACK of remote alarms.

Description: Changed Historian minimum rate lower limit from 1 second to 100 milliseconds and the maximum rate lower limit from 10 seconds to 1 second.

Description: LDAP calls optimization for environments with a massive Active Directory.

Description: Added support to write null values.

Audit Trail (V.1.0.1)

Description: Fixed an issue when downloading the report in PDF format.

Description: Codes presented in the report as meaningful strings instead of the corresponding numeric value.

BACnet Client (V.1.0.0) | New

Description: New module to communicate with BACnet devices with discovery and browse functionalities.

Derived Tags (V.1.5.0)

Description: Improved overall performance of the runtime.

Description: Added Redundancy tag mode to create tags with several inputs acting as redundant sources. The output tag’s value, quality, and ts correspond to the input with higher quality.

Description: Added Alias tag mode to change the input tag’s name or path without coding.

Description: Added Node tag mode to read information about the node, including diagnostics, links, and modules.

Description: Added persistence between execution scans.

Description: Added cron expressions with timezone support to configure the trigger of an expression tag or to define the period of an Aggregated tag.

Description: Added a new aggregation method Delta to obtain the value difference during the aggregation period.

Description: Added support to write expression tags. Write operations modify $.currentValue

Description: Added $.variables to create local variables associated only with its specific tag. These variables persist between executions but not module restarts.

Description: Tags restart reduced to tags with changes in their configuration.

Farell Client (V.1.2.0)

Description: Added a trigger to permit writing multiple registers in one message.

Description: Added poll-on-demand to request data to a specific remote outstation.

Description: Solved an issue where the radio gateway is receiving responses requested by other clients.

Description: Removed the reading of the value after a write operation to avoid timeout error messages.

IEC 102 Client (V.1.21.1)

Description: Fixed a problem where the driver may not reconnect to the field devices after a gateway disconnection.

Modbus Client (V.1.21.2)

Description: Added support to handle writes with null value.

Description: Added more detailed logs for troubleshooting.

MQTT Client (V.1.9.1)

Description: Added the possibility of removing the S&F data.

Description: Trace and Debug level logs improved.

Description: Added an InfluxDB compatible payload in the publisher’s message format to permit direct connection to InfluxDB.